Heterochromia: Causes And Types
Have you ever seen someone with eyes that are two different colors?
Have you ever seen someone with eyes that are two different colors?
Just like learning how to walk and talk, your baby also has to learn how to see!
Many of us schedule our eye exams knowing we have plenty of questions for the eye doctor.
Every organ in the body can be harmed by smoking, and that includes the eyes.
How many times have you stepped outside looking forward to feeling the sun on your face, only to wince at the sudden glare?
It’s easy to make fun of the idea that Superman can hide his identity behind a pair of glasses.
The American Diabetes Association estimates that 23.1 million Americans have been diagnosed with diabetes.
Can you imagine wearing glasses with lenses made of crystal? Your ancestors could.
Hollywood’s portrayal of blind people has come a long way from the old stereotypes of canes and dark glasses.
Do you find yourself squinting to read your computer screen, or struggling to read your smartphone, menus, magazines or labels? If you do, and you’re over 40, chances are you have presbyopia. Presbyopia Signs And Symptoms Presbyopia is the normal change that occurs as your eye ages because the lens stiffens and loses flexibility, making […]