Your Optometrist Versus Online Eye Exams
The internet has changed a lot about how we do things, but not all of those changes are improvements.
The internet has changed a lot about how we do things, but not all of those changes are improvements.
If you’ve ever been near the pharmacy in a grocery store, you’ve probably seen the aisles of nutrition supplements for sale.
You’ve heard of reading glasses. You’ve heard of sunglasses. But what are computer glasses?
March is Workplace Eye Wellness Month, and we want to make sure our patients have all the information they need to protect their eyes at work!
We all have busy lives, so it can be easy to forget about things like scheduling regular eye exams.
Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) is one of the leading causes of vision loss for people over the age of 50.
We all love our glasses and contact lenses for letting us enjoy the details of the world around us and perform our daily tasks.
It wasn’t so long ago that the idea of a smart contact lens seemed like the stuff of science fiction, but it’s pretty close to becoming science fact.
Let’s face it: glasses and contact lenses are pretty amazing.
Do you remember in old cartoons when a character would see a delicious plate of food and his eyes would comically bulge out like footballs?